Insights, messages, and thoughts from your attorney.

The Importance of Funding
Nicholas Tomso Nicholas Tomso

The Importance of Funding

How do you know if your trust’s rules are controlling your assets? Without proper funding, you may not have the plan you think you do.

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Death and Taxes
Nicholas Tomso Nicholas Tomso

Death and Taxes

It is tax season and that is the perfect time to review your estate plan to ensure that it is properly addressing the many taxes that we face at death.

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Family and Holidays - Having “the Talk”
Nicholas Tomso Nicholas Tomso

Family and Holidays - Having “the Talk”

The holidays often bring relatives to town - and what better time than now to have a conversation about who can represent your estate plan and what obstacles your beneficiaries may be facing.

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Alphabet Soup: Which Trust is Right for Me?
Nicholas Tomso Nicholas Tomso

Alphabet Soup: Which Trust is Right for Me?

Five minutes on the internet researching Trusts can leave you more confused than when you started. This article attempts to present some basic information about Trust structure in an easily digestible format.

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Starting a new Business
Nicholas Tomso Nicholas Tomso

Starting a new Business

Navigating the creation of a new small business can be intimidating. Having a conversation with the professionals in your life can make that more manageable.

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Legal Disclaimer

The information provided on this website and within these blogs is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute legal advice. Should you require legal advice or counsel, please contact our office. It is not advised that you act on any information that you read here without first speaking to your attorney. Visiting any part of this website or any communication with an attorney of Rune Law does not create an attorney-client relationship. Such relationship is only created upon the mutual agreement of attorney and client and is generally followed by a written engagement agreement. If you are not sure if an attorney-client relationship has been formed, you should always ask. Communication without an attorney-client relationship may not be privileged. This includes communication that does not directly pertain to an existing relationship or information that is related to an existing case in which Rune Law is not representing you.