Rune Law Celebrates One Year!

Last week, on May 1, 2024, Rune Law celebrated one year in business! It was around this time last year that our first clients were coming through the door to begin planning their estate and their futures. There has been a lot of progress within the firm, and there is more yet to come. Here’s a look at what we have accomplished in our first year, and where we plan to go next…

In this first year, Rune Law helped over forty-five families construct an estate plan. Some of these plans utilized wills, some utilized trusts, and all of them included power of attorney and medical directives. Outside of those families which fully executed their plan into place, Nick, owner and lead attorney, met with countless more families who are still continuing to plan. Nick spoke at over 30 educational workshops open to the public throughout the year, and presented valuable legal information in a simple and digestible format. The primary focus of the firm in the first year was assisting families in planning their estate, as well as elder law. Small business was a prominent, though much smaller portion of the practice this year.

Rune Law also welcomed Liz Johnson to the team, who has been invaluable in assisting families in creating their plans. Liz plays an instrumental role in the creation and drafting of every estate plan, as well as coordinating with families to ensure a timely response to their questions. The firm made its home in Gardiner, Maine at 1 Brunswick Avenue, but serves communities all over the state, traveling as far as the eastern coast, south of Portland, and up towards Bangor.

Looking forward this year: the firm intends on adding another attorney to the team to better serve its clients. This addition will allow more flexibility to the firm, but more importantly, will give clients more opportunities to have their concerns and questions addressed in a timely fashion. The firm will continue to speak at educational events and will expand these presentations to new venues and locations, reaching areas that were not previously afforded the opportunity to gain this knowledge. Rune Law will continue to serve the Maine community, and put the interests of its clients first, always.

Thank you to everyone who has helped Rune Law grow and become what it is today. We are so grateful to be a part of this community and to participate and help families across Maine achieve their legal goals. We hope to continue to assist our clients in creating legacies for their families and beyond.


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