Our Mission

Rune Law seeks to educate its clients in their planning in a cost-effective and approachable style, so they feel in control of their lives again.

Your Legal Team

Nicholas A. Tomso, Esq.

“I have always felt that having a purpose in life is something worth aspiring to. I have found my purpose in educating, informing, and protecting the Maine community with the legal tools that we have available. So much of the law is inaccessible to the public - so I have made it my mission to bring that knowledge to my clients so that they can make informed and educated decisions about their lives.” - Nick

Attorney / Owner

Elizabeth M. Johnson

“My interest in the law originated from a desire to use the systems in place to help people experiencing hardships. I found myself drawn to estate planning and Rune Law because of the firm’s approach to addressing client problems and utilizing proper estate planning to prevent those same types of hardships from ever occurring in the first place.” - Liz

Legal Assistant

Why the name Rune Law?

“ᚠ Fé er frænda róg” - “Wealth is a source of discord among kin” - an excerpt from the Icelandic Rune Poem

The Runic Alphabet was an early form of a writing used primarily by the ancient peoples of what is now modern day Scandinavia and central Europe. Runes were likely used for a variety of purposes, including providing a written form of Law. Markers of heritage and legacy were sometimes erected, called Runestones. These Runestones, often marking gravesites, translated information to the next generation - much like an estate plan. Rune also happens to be the middle name of Nick’s daughter!

For these reasons: law, heritage, and family, Rune Law felt like a fitting name for a practice focused on Estate Planning and preserving wealth for the next generation. Our logo, which is a representation of the Fehu Rune (ᚠ), means Wealth.